Openlca open database format 1.5 or 1.6
Openlca open database format 1.5 or 1.6

Openlca open database format 1.5 or 1.6

This database supports LCA modelling for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), allowing for the calculation of EN15804-specific indicators. EN15804 add-on database – update & reviewīy Julia Cilleruelo | | DatabasesEarlier this year, GreenDelta released the EN15804 add-on for the ecoinvent cut-off unit database.

Openlca open database format 1.5 or 1.6

The contents of the database have not changed. It was found that this database could not be opened with openLCA v.1.11 but this is now fixed. LC-Inventory database now available for openLCA1.11 onwardsīy Julia Cilleruelo | | DatabasesThe LC-Inventories database is now available to download for openLCA versions 1.11 onwards. Ther new version released in fall 2022 is. It specifically focusses on food LCA datasets, for France. AGRIBALYSE 3.1 – now available for openLCAīy Julia Cilleruelo | | DatabasesAGRIBALYSE is a French LCI database for agricultural and food products consumed in France, developed on behlaf of ADEME, the French agency for ecological transition. New features This release of the GaBi databases in openLCA sees no additional features. These databases are exclusively available for openLCA 2.0. GaBi v2022.2 databases now available for openLCAīy Julia Cilleruelo | | DatabasesThe latest version of the GaBi databases, version 2022.2, released November 2022, are now available in openLCA.

Openlca open database format 1.5 or 1.6