So now the City of Greyhawk is Dementlieu, Dyvers is Mordent, etc etc (I wasn't trying to make an exact recreation, I just slapped names on places as I liked.) I've also been dropping hints as to what happened here and there, such as journals explaining that "the world ended 300 years ago" and things of that nature. There are legends of the evil 'party of adventurers that ruined it all' (i.e. Some of the names of 'good' gods of the setting are variations or corruptions of the names of bad guys they faced originally, and likewise the 'evil' gods are corruptions of original player characters' names. I never told the players that they were in the same world, 300 years into the future, after the corruptive influence of Ravenloft had warped the land of Greyhawk, merged and re-formed it into an abominable combination of the two settings. I started the new adventurers in a new land, with a higher level of technology and a heavy French influence (Dementlieu). The players found the artifact in the first adventure, and (insert long story here) ended up being captured & killed by the Bad Guy. The Big Bad Evil Guy (behind the scenes) was looking for a component to complete an artifact that opened a rift between Greyhawk & Ravenloft, and basically allowed Ravenloft to 'merge' with GH. I started a 1st level game several months ago with my players in the Greyhawk setting.

This may only be tangentally related, so I apologize if this seems to threadjack.